Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tomorrow September 9th 2013, begins my 23rd year teaching Kempo and Jujitsu  in Southern Maryland. I am honored to teach all ranks, especially to the new comers. I still find it exciting to turn people on to the Arts. The Martial Arts have evolved in unique ways. Some schools have become a three ring circus, baby sitting service, and while others have become ego feeders for the teachers. Remember this, that when you take the responsibility to teach the arts, teach it well. We don't want to give our students a false sense of security. Would you teach a student to shoot a gun,but not teach them to clean and load it properly. We all follow a path in this universe, lets make a difference and teach the art and still be true to ourselves and our master teachers of the past.
Kyoshi Korentsides


  1. Can t wait to visit u in the States...and getting acquainted to your House of Pain!;)

  2. Well said....Martial Arts is the best thing I've done for myself. The training and the knowledge has taught me many self defense techniques. Along with self confidence, self discipline and self respect and most of all commitment. Has given me a very healthy lifestyle and great exercise for the body and soul. Proud to say, I have belonged to this school for many years...looking forward to a new semester:)

  3. What a rare find! A Martial Arts Master who has not lost his integrity, knowledge and passion for teaching. I am fortunate to be a student of one of the best!
